Zionism was the modern golden calf. 

On Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 03:21:11 AM GMT+5, Chas Freeman via Salon <> wrote:

                                 ALLAN C.BROWNFELD
As Israel’s far-right regime advances its agenda, the American Jewish community is in growing turmoil as more and more Jewish voices are being heard expressing concern that having embraced Zionism was a mistaken path—-one  which completely ignored Jewish moral and ethical values and failed to apply such values to the indigenous Palestinian residents of what became Israel.  

When Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich visited Washington in March to address an Israel Bonds meeting, no U.S. Government official would meet with him.  Neither would the representatives of leading American Jewish organizations.  Smotrich, a leader of the Religious Zionism party, was criticized, in particular, for calling for the Palestinian village of Huwara in the West Bank to be “wiped out.”  Speaking in Paris on March 19, Smotrich said, “There’s no such thing  as Palestinians because there’s no such thing as a Palestinian people.”

Washington Jewish Week (March 16, 2023) reported that, “Outside the hotel…a multitude of people representing area synagogues and…organizations …chanted, sang songs and listened to speakers who called Smotrich a homophobe, someone who doesn’t consider Reform Jews Jewish, a supporter of segregated maternity wards for Jews and non-Jews and a person who considers women subservient…Senior Rabbi Jonathan Roos of Temple Sinai in Washington, D.C. was at the protests with…congregants.  ‘We are here to continue to stand against hate and for democracy.’  Rabbi Esther Lederman from the Union for Reform Judaism urged Jews to raise their voices…She called Smotrich a ‘fascist homophobe.’”

Only two Jewish organizations were willing to meet with Smotrich, the Orthodox Union and the right-wing Zionist Organization of America.  In a statement, the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington declared, “The hateful views long expressed by Minister Smotrich are abhorrent …and run contrary to Jewish values…No public servant should ever condone or incite hatred or hate-motivated violence and when they do, they will be fiercely condemned by a wide swath of American Jewry.”  William Daroff, the CEO of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, called Smotrich’s statements “disgusting.”  (Jewish Telegraphic Agency, March 3, 2023)

In a sermon entitled “This Passover Must Include Palestinians,”  Brant Rosen, rabbi and co-founder of Congregation Tzedek of Chicago and founder of the Jewish Voice for Peace Rabbinical Council, declared that, “The anti-government protests within Israel embody liberal Zionism, rather than liberation for all.  Let’s dream bigger.”

Rabbi Rosen makes the case that, “In Israel…the struggle for democracy is far more complicated.  As a Jewish state, Israeli democracy can only truly extend to Jewish citizens.  Unlike the United States, where those who advocate equal rights for all can still be described as ‘believing fervently in the American creed,’ those who call for one state with equal citizenship for all are routinely accused of anti-Semitism, seeking nothing less than the destruction of the Jewish state.”

Another important difference, Rabbi Rosen points out, is that, “…unlike the U.S., Israel does not have a constitution.  That, theoretically at least, ensures equal rights for all citizens.”  He cites journalist Joshua Leifer on Israel’s aborted attempts at creating a constitution:  “America’s Constitution begins ‘We the people.’  One of the things that is very striking when you read the drafts of the Israeli constitution that was written in 1950 is that the proposed version…began with ‘The Jewish people’. The ethnocracy was imagined as the demos from the beginning.”

Rabbi Rosen concludes:  “Like many Americans, I believe it is my responsibility to challenge my country to, as Martin Luther King put it, ‘live out the true meaning of its creed.’ Among other things, this means actively supporting anti-racist struggles in the U.S. that demand full and equal rights for all its citizens.  As an American Jew living in the age of Zionism, I can demand nothing less for all who live between the river and the sea.”  

After World War II, as established American Jewish organizations, with a few honorable exceptions, embraced the Zionist cause, they tended to overlook the fact that Palestine was already populated and that the goal of the Zionist leadership was to eliminate as many of the indigenous residents as it could.  Even with the emergence of Israel’s “New Historians,” who told the world about the ethnic cleansing embarked upon by the Israeli government, leading American Jewish organizations ignored the growing body of evidence.

In his important book “Ten Myths About Israel,” expatriate Israeli historian Ilan Pappe, now a professor at the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom, examines the release of pertinent British and Israeli government documents in the early 1980s.  He offers a view of Israel’s creation in 1948 which includes the corresponding expulsion or flight of more than 700,000 Palestinians.  Pappe shows that the expulsions were not decided on an ad hoc basis but constituted the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians in accordance with Plan Dalet, drawn up in 1947 by Israel’s future leaders.  In a 2004 interview, Pappe said:  “The aim has always been , and it still remains, to have as much of Palestine as possible with as few Palestinians.”

In 1937, David Ben-Gurion declared, “With compulsory transfer we would have a vast area for settlement.  I support compulsory transfer.  I don’t see anything immoral in it.”

Plan Dalet, Pappe and the other Israeli historians show us, included the following clear  reference to the methods to be employed in the process of cleansing the population:  “Destruction of villages (setting fire to, blowing up, and planting mines in the debris), especially those population centers which are difficult to control continuously…Mounting search and control operations according to the following guidelines:  encirclement of the village and conducting a search inside it.  In the event of resistance, the armed force must be destroyed and the population must be expelled outside the borders of the state.”

In Pappe’s view, “From our present vantage point, there is no escape from defining the Israeli actions in the Palestine countryside as a war crime.  Indeed, as a crime against humanity.  If one ignores this hard fact, one will never understand what lies beyond Israel’s attitude toward Palestine and Palestinians as a political system and a society.  The crime committed by the leadership of the Zionist movement, which became the government of Israel, was that of ethnic cleansing.  This is not mere rhetoric but an indictment with far-reaching political, legal and moral implications.  The definition of the crime was clarified in the aftermath of the 1990s civil war in the Balkans:  ethnic cleansing is any action by one ethnic group meant to drive out another ethnic group with the purpose of transforming a mixed ethnic region into a pure one.”

In his book “What Is Modern Israel?,” Yakov Rabkin, Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Montreal, points out that, “The official Zionist ideology has made Israel a state without borders.  In geographical terms, it can be extended with military conquest or colonization.  The Zionist movement and successive Israeli governments have taken great pains never to define the borders they envisage for their state.  This borderless character is also embodied by Israel’s claim that it belongs to the world’s Jews rather than to its citizens.  This leads to the increasingly overt transformation of Jewish organizations around the world into Israeli vassals.”

Beyond this, notes Rabkin, “By emphasizing the primacy of an ethnically and denominationally defined ‘Jewish nationality,’ the state of Israel turns its back on the idea of an ‘Israeli nationality that would reflect the multicultural society that has taken shape on this land…over the last century…According to the Israeli philosopher Joseph Agassi, Israeli governments have behaved like community functionaries still living in a ghetto, sweeping aside the interests of Israel’s non-Jews and thus stoking the fires of perpetual war, for a ghetto equipped with a powerful army is dangerous.”

In his book “The Hundred Years War on Palestine,” Columbia University Professor Rashid Khalidi writes of the manner in which Palestinians were treated in Israel’s early days:  “Scenes of flight unfolded in smaller towns and villages in many parts of the country. People fled as news spread of the massacres like that on April 9, 1948 in the village of Dayr Yasin near Jerusalem, where 100 residents, 67 of them women, children and old people were slaughtered when the village was stormed by Irgun and Haganah assailants.”

These events, collectively known as the Nakba, represented what Khalidi calls “a watershed in the history of the Middle East.  It transformed most of Palestine from what it had been for well over a millennium—-a majority Arab country—-into a new state that had a substantial Jewish majority.  This transformation was the result of two processes:  the systematic ethnic cleansing of the Arab-inhabited areas…and the theft of Palestinian land and property left behind by the refugees as well as much of that owned by the Arabs who remained in Israel.  There would have been no other way to achieve a Jewish majority, the explicit aim of political Zionism from its inception.  Nor would it have been possible to dominate the country without the seizure of land.”

Slowly, many Israelis came to understand what Zionism had done.  Imagine scholars looking back 100 years from now, historian Zeev Sternhell asked, “…when exactly did the Israelis understand that their cruelty toward the non-Jews in their grip in the occupied territories, their determination to break the Palestinians’ hope for independence…began to undermine the moral legitimacy of their national existence?”

In the years when Israel’s policy was under way, the American Jewish establishment accepted almost without question Israel’s false claim that neighboring Arab states had called upon Palestinians to abandon their homes and flee from the country.  Even later, when Israel’s New Historians were able to document that this was simply Israeli propaganda and had never happened, leading American Jewish groups persisted in advancing this false narrative.  Now, the reality of Israel’s treatment of Palestine’s indigenous population is becoming widely understood. It is increasingly clear that Israel never was what the American Jewish leadership said it was, advanced in its religious schools and used as a basis for promoting massive U.S. financial aid.  Now, finally, the myths about Israel are in the process of fading away.  

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, long a strong supporter of Israel, wrote a column in the Times (March 7, 2023) with the headline, “American  Jews, You Have to Choose Sides on Israel.”  He writes:  “Ever since Israel’s founding in 1948, supporting the country’s security and its economic development and cementing its diplomatic ties to the U.S. have been the ‘religion’ of many nonobservant American Jews…Now, a lot of American Jews are going to need to find a new focus for their passion…because if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu succeeds with his judicial putsch…the subject of Israel could fracture every synagogue and Jewish communal organization in America.”

In Friedman’s view, “…the interests of American Jews and Israel have been diverging for many years, but it’s been papered over…he (Netanyahu) is currently leading his sixth government as prime minister…and has increasingly partnered with more and more ultranationalist and ultra religious parties and has come to embrace the Trumpist playbook…Under Netanyahu, Israeli governments sought every way possible to avoid the peace process with the Palestinians and used every opportunity possible to demonize Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, even though Netanyahu knew that for years Abbas’s Palestinian Authority was providing essential security cooperation with Israel in the West Bank.”

In what Friedman calls “a paradigm shift,” he cites Gidi Grinstein, the founder of the Israeli think tank Reut, who published an essay in the Times of Israel calling for American Jews to reimagine themselves as “a robust, resilient and  prosperous “ community” that invests in its own vitality and has institutions and contributes to American society, no longer accepting the “domineering Zionist discourse that holds American Jewry to be second-class Judaism.”

In November 2015, Commentary magazine held a symposium on the subject of “What Will the condition of the Jewish community be fifty years from now?”  One of most perceptive responses came from Rabbi Jacob Neusner, an academic scholar of Judaism who taught at Bard College and was a visiting professor at such institutions as Dartmouth College, Brandeis University and Brown University.  
Rabbi Neusner makes clear that, “Israel’s flag is not mine.  My homeland is America.” He declares:  “…nothing in my scholarship—-not the history of the Jews of Babylonia or the sages of Yavneh—-speak meaningfully to the context of the United States.  We as Jews have never lived so comfortably and freely.  We have no historical analogy to draw on.”

Rabbi Neusner provides this assessment:  “For now, the Judaisms of Shoah  memory and ethnic identity and Israel affinity are ascendant, but as we know, those Judaisms have limited appeal and they do not do a good job of answering the questions that create a religious system…The Judaism that endures is the one that exists wherever people seek to discover the answers to questions that run much deeper:  What is a good life?  How should we act?  What is expected of us?…I don’t know when American Jewry will turn back toward Judaism for answers to those urgent questions, or when they will place the word of God above the judgment of any man including themselves.  But I am optimistic that such a Judaism will return —-and may even be returning.  A Judaism that is vital , that looks inward and depends not on political Jerusalem, or the vestigial memories of the lower East Side or the ashes of Auschwitz.  Instead, it will be a Judaism rooted in spiritual purpose and textual depth, the questions that have shaped all human history and all theological experience.  In the past 50 years, such a Judaism was a whisper in America.  But tomorrow it may be a song, and who can know who will sing the first chords?”

Though no one can know how the current ferment within American Judaism will evolve, it seems clear that Zionism is in retreat.  Its advocates will have to come to grips with the manner in which it distorted history and created a story of the creation of the state of Israel and its treatment of Palestine’s indigenous population which bears no relation to reality.  For Judaism, it is becoming increasingly clear, Zionism was a dangerous wrong turn.
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